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MODEL-SPECIFIC REGISTERS Release 60 Last change 03jan99
Copyright (c) 1996,1997,1998,1999 Ralf Brown
Note: except where mentioned otherwise, Pentium information also applies to
the PentiumMMX, and Pentium Pro information also applies to the
Pentium II
MSR 00000000h - Pentium, Pentium Pro - MACHINE CHECK EXCEPTION ADDRESS
Size: 32-36 bits
Access: Read
Desc: on any Machine Check exception (INT 12), this MSR contains the physical
address at which the exception occurred
Notes: also supported by AMD Am5k86, K5, and K6; however, the K6 does not
actually support the machine check -- this register may be written
on the K6 to emulate that functionality
this register does not exist on the PentiumII, but will not cause an
exception when accessed
SeeAlso: MSR 00000001h,MSR 80000000h,INT 12"MACHINE CHECK"
MSR 00000001h - Pentium, Pentium Pro - MACHINE CHECK EXCEPTION TYPE
Size: 6 bits
Access: Read
Desc: when a Machine Check exception occurs, this register contains the
reason for the exception
Notes: also supported by AMD Am5k86, K5, and K6; however, the K6 does not
actually support the machine check -- this register may be written
on the K6 to emulate that functionality
this register does not exist on the PentiumII, but will not cause an
exception when accessed
SeeAlso: MSR 00000000h,MSR 80000001h,INT 12"MACHINE CHECK"
Bitfields for Machine Check Exception type (MSR 00000001h):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0001)
63-6 reserved (0)
5 "FERI" Fan Error Indicator (Pentium OverDrive only) -- CPU overheated
(once set, this bit remains set even through CPU reset)
4 bus cycle causing exception was locked
3 state of M/IO# pin during bus cycle
2 state of D/C# pin during bus cycle
1 state of W/R# pin during bus cycle
0 Machine Check pending (cleared by reading this MSR)
Size: 14 bits
Access: Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000004h,MSR 80000002h
Bitfields for Parity Reversal Test Register (TR1):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0002)
63-14 reserved (0)
13 microcode
12 Data TLB data
11 Data TLB tag
10 Data Cache data
9 Data Cache tag
8 Code TLB data
7 Code TLB tag
6 "ID3" data cache odd bits 129-255
5 "ID2" data cache even bits 128-254
4 "ID1" data cache odd bits 1-127
3 "ID0" data cache even bits 0-126
2 instruction cache tag
1 do not go into SHUTDOWN mode on parity error
0 (read/write-clear) "Parity Error Summary" set on any parity error
Notes: bits 2-13 indicate that the parity should be reversed for the given
subsystem, thus always forcing a parity error
the Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 supports bit 1 (no shutdown)
MSR 00000003h - Pentium - INVALID
Note: attempted accesses to this MSR cause an exception
SeeAlso: MSR 80000003h,MSR 0000000Fh
MSR 00000003h - Cyrix M2 - TEST DATA
SeeAlso: MSR 00000004h"Cyrix"
MSR 00000004h - Pentium - (TR2) INSTRUCTION CACHE END BITS
Size: 4 bits
Access: Read/Write
Note: documented as reserved on Pentium MMX
SeeAlso: MSR 00000002h,MSR 00000005h,MSR 80000004h
Bitfields for Instruction Cache End Bits (TR2):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0003)
63-4 reserved (0)
3-0 end bits (each set bit indicates the last byte of an instruction in
TR3 during code cache access)
Note: when a new line is written into the code cache, all end bits are set;
the instruction decoder then clears those bits corresponding to
bytes which are not the last byte of an instruction
SeeAlso: #R0004
MSR 00000004h - Cyrix M2 - TEST ADDRESS
SeeAlso: MSR 00000003h"Cyrix",MSR 00000005h"Cyrix"
MSR 00000005h - Pentium - (TR3) CACHE DATA TEST REGISTER
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000004h,MSR 00000006h,MSR 80000005h
Bitfields for Cache Data Test Register (TR3):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0004)
63-32 reserved (0)
31-0 data read/written from/to cache (code or data)
SeeAlso: #R0005
MSR 00000005h - Cyrix M2 - COMMAND/STATUS
SeeAlso: MSR 00000004h"Cyrix"
MSR 00000006h - Pentium - (TR4) CACHE TAG
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000005h,MSR 00000007h,MSR 80000006h
Bitfields for Cache Tag Test Register (TR4):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0005)
63-32 reserved (0)
31-8 cache tag (bits 35-12 of address)
7-3 reserved (0)
2 LRU (P54C)
=0 Way 0
=1 Way 1
4-2 LRU (P55C [PentiumMMX])
=X00 Way 0
=X10 Way 1
=0X1 Way 2
=1X1 Way 3
1-0 Valid
---code cache (selected by TR5)---
x0 cache line invalid
x1 cache line valid
---data cache (selected by TR5)---
00 cache line invalid
01 cache line shared
10 cache line exclusive
11 cache line modified
SeeAlso: #R0004,#R0006
MSR 00000007h - Pentium - (TR5) CACHE CONTROL
Size: 15 bits
Access: Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000006h,MSR 00000008h,MSR 80000007h
Bitfields for Cache Control Test Register (TR5):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0006)
63-20 reserved (0)
19 entry[1] (PentiumMMX only)
combined with bit 12, selects Way within cache set
18-15 reserved (0)
14 cache write-back mode (instead of write-through) enabled
13 select data cache instead of code cache
12 select Way within cache set
11-5 cache set number
4-2 buffer select (specify which 32-bit portion of cache line to access)
1-0 control
00 normal operation
01 test write
10 test read
11 flush (action controlled by TR7)
TR7.CD/TR7.WD Action
0 x invalidate code cache line
1 0 invalidate data cache line, but don't writeback
1 1 invalidate data cache line, writeback if dirty
SeeAlso: #R0004,#R0005
MSR 00000008h - Pentium, PentiumMMX - (TR6) TLB COMMAND
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000007h,MSR 00000009h,MSR 80000008h
Bitfields for Pentium TLB Command Test Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0007)
63-32 reserved (0)
31-12 linear address
11 TLB entry is valid
10 page is dirty (has been written to)
9 page may only be accessed from Ring 0
8 page may be written
7-3 reserved (0)
2 page is 4M instead of 4K
1 data TLB instead of code TLB
0 operation (0=write, 1=read)
SeeAlso: #R0008
MSR 00000009h - Pentium, PentiumMMX - (TR7) TLB DATA
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000008h,MSR 0000000Bh,MSR 80000009h
Bitfields for Pentium TLB Data Test Register (TR7):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0008)
63-32 reserved (0)
31-12 physical address
11 "CD" Page Cache Disable
10 "WB" Page Write-Through
9-7 TLB Least-Recently Used value (non-MMX Pentium only)
6-5 reserved (0) (P54C)
6-5 bits 5-4 of TLB entry number (PentiumMMX only)
4 Hit Indicator
3-0 bits 3-0 of TLB entry number (PentiumMMX only)
3-2 TLB entry number (non-MMX Pentium)
1-0 reserved (0) (non-MMX Pentium)
Note: if a write with bit 4 (Hit Indicator) set is followed by a read, the
value returned in bit 4 indicates whether the selected address was
found in the TLB; if found, bits 3-2 indicate which entry contained
the hit
SeeAlso: #R0007,#R0009
MSR 0000000Ah O - Pentium A-step - (TR8) 36-BIT TLB DATA TEST REGISTER
Size: 4 bits
Note: attempted accesses to this MSR cause an exception on any Pentium except
A-step chips, since the 36-bit physical addressing feature was
removed from the Pentium prior to general release
SeeAlso: MSR 8000000Ah
Bitfields for Pentium A-step 36-bit addressing Test Register (TR8):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0009)
63-4 reserved (0)
3-0 high bits of physical address (A35-A32)
SeeAlso: #R0008
MSR 0000000Bh - Pentium, PentiumMMX - (TR9) BRANCH TARGET BUFFER TAG
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000009h,MSR 0000000Ch,MSR 8000000Bh
Bitfields for non-MMX Pentium Branch Target Buffer Tag (TR9):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0010)
63-32 reserved (0)
31-6 tag address (bits 31-6 of last byte of branch)
5-2 reserved (0)
1-0 history (state of current branch)
SeeAlso: #R0012,#R0013,#R0011
Bitfields for PentiumMMX Branch Target Buffer Tag (TR9):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0011)
63-32 reserved
31-8 tag address (bits 31-8 of last byte of branch)
7-6 offset (bits 1-0 of last byte of branch)
5 valid BTB entry
4 branch is predicted as taken
3-0 history (state of current branch)
SeeAlso: #R0010
MSR 0000000Ch - Pentium, PentiumMMX - (TR10) BRANCH TARGET BUFFER TARGET
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 0000000Bh,MSR 0000000Dh,MSR 8000000Ch
Bitfields for Pentium Branch Target Buffer Target (TR10):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0012)
63-32 reserved (0)
31-0 target address
SeeAlso: #R0010,#R0013
MSR 0000000Dh - Pentium, PentiumMMX - (TR11) BRANCH TARGET BUFFER CONTROL
Size: 12 bits
Access: Write
SeeAlso: MSR 0000000Ch,MSR 0000000Eh,MSR 8000000Dh
Bitfields for Pentium Branch Target Buffer Control (TR11):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0013)
63-26 reserved (0)
25-24 branch type (PentiumMMX only)
00 conditional branch
01 unconditional jump
10 call
11 return
23-13 reserved (0)
12 bit 2 of test command (PentiumMMX only)
11-8 BTB set number to access (non-MMX)
11-8 BTB set number to access (PentiumMMX only)
7-6 BTB bank (PentiumMMX only)
5-4 reserved (0)
3-2 BTB entry (way) within set
1-0 test command
00 normal operation
01 test write
10 test read
11 flush
101 test read tag (PentiumMMX only)
SeeAlso: #R0010,#R0012
MSR 0000000Eh - Pentium, K6, C6 - (TR12) NEW FEATURE CONTROL
Size: 10 bits
Access: Write
SeeAlso: MSR 0000000Dh,MSR 8000000Eh
Bitfields for Pentium New Feature Control (TR12):
Bit(s) Description (Table R0014)
63-22 reserved (0)
21 low-power mode enable
20 (PentiumMMX only) Data Cache Inhibit (disable internal data cache)
19 (PentiumMMX only) Code Cache Inhibit (disable internal code cache)
18-15 reserved (0)
14 (CPUID=052Bh/052Ch) ignore interrupt immediately after CLI and before
13-10 reserved (0)
9 enable I/O instruction restart for SMM and use different interrupt
8 generate fast branch-trace message bus cycles
7 "FTR" ??? (documented as reserved) (0)
6 disable auto-halt feature (P54C only)
5 ??? (documented as reserved) (0)
4 disable internal APIC (non-MMX Pentium only)
3 Cache Inhibit (disable internal L1 cache)
2 Single-Pipe Execution (disable V pipeline)
1 enable special branch trace message cycle on BTB hit (default = 0)
0 disable branch prediction (no BTB)
Notes: the AMD K6 only supports bit 3 (cache inhibit) of this register;
all other bits should be set to zero
the Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 supports bits 9, 6, and 3 of this register
MSR 0000000Fh - Pentium - INVALID
Note: attempted accesses to this MSR cause an exception
SeeAlso: MSR 8000000Fh,MSR 00000003h
MSR 00000010h - Pentium, Pentium Pro - TIME STAMP COUNTER REGISTER
Size: 64 bits
Access: Read/Write
Desc: starting at 00000000h:00000000h on reset, this counter increments on
every CPU-core clock cycle
Notes: on a Pentium Pro, only the low 32 bits may be written; on writes, the
high 32 bits are cleared to 00000000h
also supported by Pentium II; AMD Am5k86,K5,K6; Cyrix 6x86MX; Centaur
(IDT) WinChip C6
SeeAlso: MSR 80000010h
Size: 26 bits
Access: Read/Write
Note: also supported by Cyrix 6x86MX and Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6
SeeAlso: MSR 00000012h,MSR 00000013h,MSR 00000186h,MSR 80000011h
Bitfields for Pentium Event Counter Control:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0015)
63-27 reserved (0)
26 (Cyrix 6x86MX only) "ES1" bit 6 of event type for counter 1
25 external pin PM1 shows counter overflows instead of counter increments
24 counter 1 counts clock cycles instead of events
23 enable counter 1 counting in CPL3
22 enable counter 1 counting in CPL2-0
21-16 event type for counter 1 (see #R0017)
15-11 reserved
10 (Cyrix 6x86MX only) "ES0" bit 6 of event type for counter 0
9 external pin PM0 shows counter overflows instead of counter increments
8 counter 0 counts clock cycles instead of events
7 enable counter 0 counting in CPL3
6 enable counter 0 counting in CPL2-0
5-0 event type for counter 0 (see #R0017)
SeeAlso: #R0016
Bitfields for IDT WinChip C6 Event Counter Control:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0016)
63-24 reserved
23-16 counter 1 control (see #R0018)
15-8 reserved
7-0 counter 0 control (see #R0018)
SeeAlso: #R0015
(Table R0017)
Values for Pentium/6x86MX Event Counter event type:
00h data read
01h data write
02h data TLB miss
03h data read miss
04h data write miss
05h write hit to Modified/Exclusive cache line
06h data cache lines written back
07h external data cache snoops
08h external data cache snoop hits
09h simultaneous memory accesses in both pipes
0Ah data bank access conflict between U and V pipes
0Bh misaligned data memory or I/O references
0Ch code read
0Dh code TLB miss
0Eh code cache miss
0Fh any segment register load
10h (Pentium only) segment descriptor cache accessed
11h (Pentium only) segment descriptor cache hit
12h any branch
13h BTB hit
14h taken branch / BTB hit
15h pipeline flushes
16h total instructions executed
17h instruction executed in V pipe
18h bus utilization
19h pipeline stalled by write backups
1Ah pipeline stalled by data memory read
1Bh pipeline stalled by write to Modified/Exclusive cache line
1Ch locked bus cycle
1Dh I/O cycle
1Eh non-cacheable memory references
1Fh pipeline stalled by Address Generation Interlock
20h source/destination conflict
21h (undoc) decoding stalls (could only decode one instruction in a
particular clock cycle, and that instruction was potentially
pairable; i.e. if the following instruction could have executed in
the V pipe, it didn't because it wasn't decoded in time)
22h floating-point operations
23h Breakpoint 0 match
24h Breakpoint 1 match
25h Breakpoint 2 match
26h Breakpoint 3 match
27h hardware interrupt
28h data read or data write
29h data read/write miss
2Ah-3Fh reserved
2Ah bus ownership latency (counter 0, duration) or
bus ownership transfers (counter 1)
2Bh MMX instructions executed in U pipe (counter 0) or V pipe (counter 1)
2Ch cache M-state line sharing (counter 0) or
cache line sharing (counter 1)
2Dh EMMS instructions executed (counter 0) or
transitions between MMX/FP (counter 1)
2Eh bus use due to processor activity (counter 0, duration) or
writes to non-cacheable memory (counter 1)
2Fh saturating MMX instructions executed (counter 0) or
saturations performed (counter 1)
30h number of cycles not in HLT state (counter 0) or
number of cycles in HLT state (counter 1)
31h MMX instruction data reads (counter 0) or
MMX instruction data read misses
32h floating-point stalls (counter 0) or taken branches (counter 1)
33h D1 starvation and FIFO is empty (counter 0) or
D1 starvation and only one instruction in FIFO (counter 1)
34h MMX instruction data writes (counter 0) or
MMX instruction data write misses (counter 1)
35h pipeline flushes due to wrong branch prediction (counter 0) or
pl. flushes due to wrong branch pred. resolved in WB stage (counter 1)
36h misaligned data memory reference on MMX instruction (counter 0) or
pipeline stalled waiting for MMX instruction data mem read (counter 1)
37h returns, predicted incorrectly or not at all (counter 0) or
total returns predicted (counter 1)
38h clocks MMX instruction multiply unit interlock (counter 0) or
clocks MOVD/MOVQ store stall (counter 1)
39h returns (counter 0 only)
3Ah BTB false entries (counter 0) or
BTB prediction miss on not-taken branch (counter 1)
3Bh clocks MMX instruction stalled due to full write buffers (counter 0) or
clocks stalled on MMX instruction write to E or M line (counter 1)
2Ah reserved
2Bh MMX instructions executed in X pipe (counter 0) or Y pipe (counter 1)
2Ch reserved
2Dh EMMS instructions executed (counter 0) or
transitions between MMX/FP (counter 1)
2Eh reserved
2Fh saturating MMX instructions executed (counter 0) or
saturations performed (counter 1)
30h reserved
31h MMX instruction data reads (counter 0 only)
32h taken branches (counter 1 only)
33h-36h reserved
37h returns, predicted incorrectly or not at all (counter 0) or
total returns predicted (counter 1)
38h clocks MMX instruction multiply unit interlock (counter 0) or
clocks MOVD/MOVQ store stall (counter 1)
39h returns (counter 0) or return stack buffer overflows (counter 1)
3Ah BTB false entries (counter 0) or
BTB prediction miss on not-taken branch (counter 1)
3Bh clocks MMX instruction stalled due to full write buffers (counter 0) or
clocks stalled on MMX instruction write to E or M line (counter 1)
3Ch-3Fh reserved
40h L2 TLB misses (code or data)
41h L2 TLB data miss
42h L2 TLB code miss
43h L1 TLB miss (code or data)
44h TLB flushes
45h TLB page invalidations
46h TLB page invalidations which hit
47h reserved
48h instructions decoded
49h-7Fh reserved
SeeAlso: #R0015,#R0018
(Table R0018)
Values for IDT WinChip C6 event:
00h internal clocks
01h valid cycles reaching writebacks
02h x86 instructions
47h data read cache misses
4Ah data write cache misses
63h instruction fetch cache miss
SeeAlso: #R0016,#R0017
MSR 00000012h - Pentium, Cyrix 6x86MX - EVENT COUNTER #0
Size: 40 bits
Access: Read/Write
Note: also supported by Cyrix 6x86MX and Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6
SeeAlso: MSR 00000011h,MSR 00000013h,MSR 80000012h,MSR 000000C1h
MSR 00000013h - Pentium, Cyrix 6x86MX - EVENT COUNTER #1
Size: 40 bits
Access: Read/Write
Note: also supported by Cyrix 6x86MX and Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6
SeeAlso: MSR 00000011h,MSR 00000012h,MSR 80000013h,MSR 000000C2h
MSR 00000014h - Pentium P54C - bug?
Note: returns 0 on all reads and ignores any writes for P54C processors with
CPUID values <= 0524h, rather than causing an exception; possibly due
to a microcode bug
MSR 00000017h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 00000018h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 0000001Bh - Pentium Pro, PentiumII - APIC BASE ADDRESS
SeeAlso: MEM FEE00000h
Bitfields for Pentium Pro/PentiumII MSR 0000001Bh:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0019)
63-32 reserved
31-12 APIC base address bits 31-12
11 APIC global enable (can not be cleared except through hard reset)
10-9 reserved
8 this is the BootStrap Processor
7-0 reserved
MSR 00000021h - Pentium II - ???
MSR 0000002Ah - Pentium Pro - "EBL_CR_POWERON"
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/write
Bitfields for Pentium Pro MSR 0000002Ah:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0020)
31-27 reserved
26 (read-only) Low Power enable
25 reserved
24-22 (read-only) clock frequency ratio (see #R0021)
21-20 (read-only) symmetric arbitration ID
19-18 ???
17-16 (read-only) APIC cluster ID
15 (read-only) FRC [Funtional Redundancy Checking] mode enabled
14 (read-only) Power-on Reset Vector at 1M instead of 4G
13 (read-only) IN Order Queue depth is 1 instead of 8
12 (read-only) BINIT# observation enabled
11 ???
10 (read-only) AERR# observation enabled
9 Execute-BIST enabled
8 output tri-state enabled
7 disable BINIT# drive
6 disable BERR# for initiator internal errors
5 reserved
4 disable BERR# for initiator bus requests
3 disable AERR# drive
2 disable response error checking
1 disable data error checking
0 data bus uses ECC instead of parity
(Table R0021)
Values for Pentium Pro/PentiumII clock multiplier:
0 x2
1 x4
2 x3
4 x2.5
6 x3.5
15 x2
SeeAlso: #R0020
MSR 00000032h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 00000033h - Pentium Pro, PentiumII - "TEST_CTL" TEST CONTROL REGISTER
SeeAlso: 32 bits
Bitfields for Pentium Pro MSR 0033h:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0022)
31 (step sB1 and later) disable LOCK# for locked transactions which
are split across a cache line boundary
30 (step sB1 and later) disable Instruction Streaming buffers
--used to work around sB1 errata 58 and 59
29-0 reserved
MSR 00000034h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 0000003Ah - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 0000003Bh - PentiumII - ???
MSR 00000050h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 00000051h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 00000052h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 00000053h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 00000054h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 00000079h - Pentium Pro, PentiumII - BIOS UPDATE TRIGGER
Size: 32 bits
Access: Write
Desc: writing the linear address of a microcode update block (see #00533)
to this MSR cause the CPU to initiate a microcode load
SeeAlso: INT 15/AX=D042h/BL=01h,MSR 0000008Bh
Size: 64 bits
Note: EDX remains unchanged after an RDMSR to simplify multiple accesses
SeeAlso: MSR 00000083h
Bitfields for AMD Am5k86 (AMD-K5) Array Access Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0023)
63-40 pointer within array specified below
39-32 array identifier (see #R0024)
31-0 array data
SeeAlso: #R0036
(Table R0024)
Values for AMD Am5k86 Array Pointer:
E0h data cache (data)
E1h data cache (linear tag) (see #R0025)
E4h code cache (instruction) (see #R0026)
E5h code cache (linear tag) (see #R0027)
E6h code cache (valid bits) (see #R0028)
E7h code cache (branch-prediction bits) (see #R0029)
E8h 4K TLB (page) (see #R0030)
E9h 4K TLB (linear tag) (see #R0031)
EAh 4M TLB (page) (see #R0032)
EBh 4M TLB (linear tag) (see #R0033)
ECh data cache (physical tag) (see #R0034)
EDh code cache (physical tag) (see #R0035)
SeeAlso: #R0023
Bitfields for AMD AmK586 data cache linear tag:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0025)
31-26 reserved (0)
25 cache line is dirty
24 user/supervisor
23 read/write
22 0
21 linear address valid
20-0 tag
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0034
Bitfields for AMD Am5k86 code cache instruction:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0026)
31-26 reserved (0)
25 start bit 1
24 end bit 1
23 opcode bit 1
22-21 map (ROPs/MROM) 1
20-13 byte 1
12 start bit 0
11 end bit 0
10 opcode bit 0
9-8 map (ROPs/MROM) 0
7-0 byte 0
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0027,#R0035
Bitfields for Am5k86 code cache linear tag:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0027)
31-20 reserved (0)
19-0 bits 31-12 of linear address
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0026,#R0028,#R0035
Bitfields for Am5k86 code cache valid bits:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0028)
31-18 reserved (0)
17 linear tag is valid
16 user/supervisor
15-0 bitmask of valid bytes
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0026,#R0035
Bitfields for Am5k86 code cache branch prediction bits:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0029)
31-19 reserved (0)
18 predicted branch taken
17-14 offset of last byte of predicted branch instruction within block
13-12 predicted target column
11-4 predicted target index
3-0 target byte
SeeAlso: #R0024
Bitfields for Am5k86 4K TLB page:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0030)
31-22 reserved (0)
21 page cache disable
20 page write-through
19-0 page frame address
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0031,#R0032
Bitfields for Am5k86 4K TLB linear tag:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0031)
31-20 reserved (0)
19 global valid bit
18 TLB entry is dirty
17 user/supervisor
16 read/write
15 entry is valid
14-0 tag (bits 31-17 of address)
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0030,#R0033
Bitfields for Am5k86 4M TLB page:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0032)
31-12 reserved (0)
11 page cache disable
10 page write-through
9-0 page frame address
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0030,#R0033
Bitfields for Am5k86 4M TLB linear tag:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0033)
31-15 reserved (0)
14 global valid bit
13 TLB entry is dirty
12 user/supervisor
11 read/write
10 entry is valid
9-0 tag (bits 31-22 of address)
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0031,#R0032
Bitfields for Am5k86 data cache physical tag:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0034)
31-23 reserved (0)
22-21 MESI status
00 invalid
01 shared
10 modified
11 exclusive
20-0 tag (bits 31-11 of physical address)
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0035
Bitfields for Am5k86 code cache physical tag:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0035)
31-21 reserved (0)
20 valid
19-0 tag (bits 31-12 of physical address)
SeeAlso: #R0024,#R0034
Size: 8 bits
SeeAlso: MSR 00000082h
Bitfields for AMD Am5k86 (AMD-K5) Hardware Configuration Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0036)
63-8 reserved
7 disable data cache
6 disable instruction cache
5 disable branch prediction
4 enable write allocation (stepping 4 and higher only)
3-1 debug control
000 off
001 enable branch trace (requires bit 5 set as well)
100 enable Probe Mode on debug trap
other reserved
0 disable Stopping Processor Clock in Halt and Stop Grant states
SeeAlso: #R0023
Note: this MSR is supported on K5 models 1/2/3 stepping 4 and higher only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000086h
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Note: this MSR is supported on K5 models 1/2/3 stepping 4 and higher only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000085h
MSR 00000088h - Pentium Pro, PentiumII - "BBL_CR_D0" CHUNK 0 DATA REGISTER
Note: this register is used to read from and write to L2 cache
SeeAlso: MSR 00000089h,MSR 0000008Ah,MSR 00000116h
MSR 00000089h - Pentium Pro, PentiumII - "BBL_CR_D1" CHUNK 1 DATA REGISTER
Note: this register is used to read from and write to L2 cache
SeeAlso: MSR 00000088h,MSR 0000008Ah,MSR 00000116h
MSR 0000008Ah - Pentium Pro, PentiumII - "BBL_CR_D2" CHUNK 2 DATA REGISTER
Note: this register is used to read from and write to L2 cache
SeeAlso: MSR 00000088h,MSR 00000089h,MSR 00000116h
Size: 64 bits
Access: Read/Write
Desc: used to determine which (if any) microcode update has been loaded into
the CPU
Notes: whenever a microcode update is loaded, the PentiumPro modifies the
operation of the CPUID instruction to store both the standard CPUID
model information and a 32-bit microcode update ID into this MSR; if
no microcode update has been loaded, the MSR remains unchanged
(it is normally cleared to 0 before using CPUID to test for updates)
the low 32 bits of this register (if modified by CPUID) contains the
standard model/stepping information, while the high 32 bits contain
the microcode update ID
SeeAlso: MSR 00000079h
MSR 0000008Bh - PentiumII - "BBL_CR_D3" CHUNK 3 DATA REGISTER
Notes: this register is used to read from and write to L2 cache
whether this MSR is the BIOS update signature or L2 data depends on
the usage model
SeeAlso: MSR 00000088h,MSR 00000089h,MSR 00000116h
MSR 000000AEh - Pentium Pro - ???
Note: the performance measure counted by this MSR is set through MSR 0186h
SeeAlso: MSR 000000C2h,MSR 00000012h,MSR 00000186h
Note: the performance measure counted by this MSR is set through MSR 0187h
SeeAlso: MSR 000000C1h,MSR 00000013h,MSR 00000187h
Desc: determine how many and what type of Memory Type Range Registers are
SeeAlso: MSR 00000200h,MSR 00000250h,MSR 000002FFh
Bitfields for Pentium Pro "MTRRcap" register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0037)
63-8 ???
7-0 number of Memory Type Range Registers (at MSR 02xxh)
MSR 00000107h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Feature Control Register #1
Size: 30 bits
SeeAlso: MSR 00000108h,MSR 00000109h
Bitfields for Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 Feature Control Register #1:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0038)
61-31 reserved
30 enable MOV TRx instructions
29 disable CPUID instruction
28 don't use alternative "divide 5 by 2" EFLAGS
0 = use Centaur (IDT) flags
1 = use Intel flags
27-26 reserved
25-22 stepping ID
21-17 reserved
16 enable return stack (default)
15 disable bus pipelining #NA response
14 disable data cache
13 disable instruction cache
12 reserved
11 disable page directory cache
10 reserved
9 enable MMX instructions (default)
8 enable data cache updates for PDE/PTE
7 disable check for self-modifying code
6 enable linear burst mode
5 disable #STPCLK support
4 disable machine check exception
3 disable power management
2 enable #MC for internal errors
1 set CPUID feature flag for CMPXCHG8 instruction
0 reserved
SeeAlso: #R0039,#R0040
MSR 00000108h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Feature Control Register #2
Size: 64 bits
SeeAlso: MSR 00000107h,MSR 00000109h
Bitfields for Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 Feature Control Register #2:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0039)
63-32 last four bytes of CPUID vendor ID string (see also #R0040)
31-15 reserved
14 use alternative CPUID vendor string
13-12 reserved
11-8 CPUID family
7-4 CPUID model
3-0 reserved
SeeAlso: #R0038,#R0039
MSR 00000109h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Feature Control Register #3
Size: 30 bits
Access: Write-Only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000107h,MSR 00000108h
Bitfields for Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 Feature Control Register #3:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0040)
63-32 first four bytes of CPUID vendor ID string
31-0 middle four bytes of CPUID vendor ID string
SeeAlso: #R0039
MSR 00000110h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Memory Configuration Register #0
Size: 64 bits
Access: Write-Only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000107h,MSR 00000111h,MSR 00000117h"Centaur"
Bitfields for Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 Memory Configuration Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0041)
63-44 base address of memory region
43-32 reserved
31-12 memory region mask
(region is hit if (base AND address) == (mask AND address))
11-5 reserved
4-3 memory write order
00 strong ordering
01 weak for string
10 weak for stack
11 weak ordering for all writes
2 enable write merging for stack writes
1 enable write merging for string writes
0 enable write merging for other writes
SeeAlso: #R0045
MSR 00000111h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Memory Configuration Register #1
Size: 64 bits
Access: Write-Only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000107h,MSR 00000110h,MSR 00000112h,#R0041
MSR 00000112h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Memory Configuration Register #2
Size: 64 bits
Access: Write-Only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000107h,MSR 00000111h,MSR 00000113h,#R0041
MSR 00000113h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Memory Configuration Register #3
Size: 64 bits
Access: Write-Only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000107h,MSR 00000112h,MSR 00000114h,#R0041
MSR 00000114h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Memory Configuration Register #4
Size: 64 bits
Access: Write-Only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000107h,MSR 00000113h,MSR 00000115h,#R0041
MSR 00000115h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Memory Configuration Register #5
Size: 64 bits
Access: Write-Only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000107h,MSR 00000114h,MSR 00000116h"Centaur",#R0041
MSR 00000116h - PentiumII - "BBL_CR_ADDR" - SET L2 CACHE ADDRESS
Size: 32 bits
SeeAlso: MSR 00000088h,MSR 00000118h"PentiumII"
Bitfields for PentiumII "BBL_CR_ADDR":
Bit(s) Description (Table R0042)
31-3 cache address bits 31-3 (docs say 35-3!)
2-0 reserved (0)
MSR 00000116h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Memory Configuration Register #6
Size: 64 bits
Access: Write-Only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000107h,MSR 00000115h,MSR 00000117h"Centaur",#R0041
MSR 00000117h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Memory Configuration Register #7
Size: 64 bits
Access: Write-Only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000107h,MSR 00000110h,MSR 00000116h"Centaur",#R0041
Size: 8 bits
SeeAlso: MSR 00000088h,MSR 00000116h"PentiumII",MSR 00000119h
MSR 00000119h - PentiumII - "BBL_CR_CTL"
SeeAlso: MSR 00000118h,MSR 0000011Ah
Bitfields for PentiumII "BBL_CR_CTL":
Bit(s) Description (Table R0043)
63-19 reserved
18 use supplied ECC
17 reserved
16 L2 hit
15-14 reserved
13-12 state from L2 entry
00 invalid
01 shared
10 exclusive
11 modified
11-10 way number from L2 cache
9-8 way number to L2
7 reserved
6-5 state to L2 entry (as for bits 13-12)
4-0 L2 command
00010 read L2 control register
00011 write L2 control register
010mm tag write with data read
01100 data read with LRU update
01110 tag read with data read
01111 tag inquire
100mm tag write
('mm' = MESI state, coded as for bits 13-12)
Note: a write (must write 00000000h!) to this MSR triggers a cache
configuration access cycle
SeeAlso: MSR 00000088h,MSR 00000118h,MSR 0000011Bh
Size: 1 bit
Access: Read-Only
Note: if bit 0 is set, an L2 cache configuration access command is in
SeeAlso: MSR 00000088h,MSR 00000118h,MSR 0000011Ah
SeeAlso: MSR 00000088h,MSR 00000116h,MSR 0000011Ah,MSR 0000011Bh
Bitfields for Pentium II L2 cache control:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0044)
63-26 reserved
25 (read-only) cache bus fraction
24 reserved
23 (read-only) L2 hardware disable
22-20 supported L2 physical address range
000 512M
001 1G
010 2G
011 4G
100 8G
101 16G
110 32G
111 64G
19 reserved
18 enable cache state error checking
17-13 cache size per bank
00001 256K
00010 512K
00100 1M
01000 2M
10000 4M
12-11 (read-only) number of L2 banks
10-9 (read-only) L2 associativity
00 direct-mapped
01 2-way associative
10 4-way associative
11 reserved
8 L2 cache enabled
7 CRTN parity checking enabled
6 address parity checking enabled
5 enable ECC testing of L2 cache memory
4-1 L2 cache latency
0 L2 has been configured
MSR 00000120h - Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 - Memory Config Register Control
Size: 25 bits
Access: Write-Only
SeeAlso: MSR 00000107h,MSR 00000110h,MSR 00000117h
Bitfields for Centaur (IDT) WinChip C6 Memory Configuration Control Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0045)
63-25 reserved
24-20 reserved (1)
19-5 reserved
4 enable weak write ordering
3-2 write merging for string writes
00 forward combining
01 forward/overlapped
10 forward/reverse
11 forward/reverse/overlap
1-0 write merging for non-stack/non-string writes
00 forward combining
01 forward/overlapped
10 forward/reverse
11 forward/reverse/overlap
SeeAlso: #R0041
MSR 00000131h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 0000014Eh - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 0000014Fh - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 00000150h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 00000151h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 00000154h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 0000015Bh - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 0000015Fh - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 00000174h - Pentium Pro - "SYSENTER_CS" - SYSENTER target CS
MSR 00000175h - Pentium Pro - "SYSENTER_ESP" - SYSENTER target ESP
MSR 00000176h - Pentium Pro - "SYSENTER_EIP" - SYSENTER target EIP
MSR 00000179h - Pentium Pro - "MCG_CAP"
SeeAlso: MSR 0000017Ah,MSR 0000017Bh
Bitfields for Pentium Pro "MCG_CAP" register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0046)
63-8 ???
7-0 number of MCRs
MSR 0000017Ah - Pentium Pro - "MCG_STATUS"
SeeAlso: MSR 00000179h,MSR 0000017Bh
MSR 0000017Bh - Pentium Pro - "MCG_CTL"
SeeAlso: MSR 00000179h,MSR 0000017Ah
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 000000C1h,MSR 00000187h,MSR 00000011h,MSR 00000012h
Bitfields for Pentium Pro Event Selection MSR:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0047)
31-24 CMASK (counter mask)
compare actual count for event on this clock cycle with mask; only
increment counter if count >= mask (count < mask if bit 23 set)
23 invert result of CMASK condition
22 enable counting of events
21 reserved
20 signal performance counter overflows via APIC input
19 signal performance counter overflows via BP0/BP1 pin
18 count occurrences, not duration
17 OS (enable counting in ring 0)
16 USER (enable counting in rings 1,2,3)
15-8 UMASK (Unit Mask register; set to 0 to enable all count options)
7-0 event type (see #R0048)
(Table R0048)
Values for Pentium Pro/Pentium II performance event type:
00h-01h documented as unused
02h number of store buffer forwards
03h number of store buffer blocks
04h number of store buffer drain cycles
05h misaligned data memory references
06h segment register loads
07h-0Fh documented as unused
10h executed computational FP operations
11h number of microcode-handled FP exceptions
12h number of multiplies
13h number of divisions
14h divider busy cycles
15h-20h documented as unused
21h L2 address strobes
22h L2 cache data bus wait cycles
23h L2 cache data bus transfer cycles
24h allocated L2-cache lines
25h allocated L2 modified lines
26h removed L2 lines
27h removed modified L2 lines
28h instruction fetches from L2 cache
29h loads requested from L2 cache
2Ah stores into L2 cache
2Bh-2Dh documented as unused
2Eh total L2 requests
2Fh-3Fh documented as unused
40h L1 Data Cache Unit load rquests
41h L1 DCU store requests
42h L1 DCU locked requests
43h total memory references (all types, reads+writes+internal retries)
44h documented as unused
45h L1 allocated lines
46h L1 allocated M-state lines
47h L1 evicted M-state lines
48h L1 outstanding miss cycles (weighted)
49h L1 data TLB misses
4Ah-51h documented as unused
52h (P-II) self-modifying code occurrences
53h-5Fh documented as unused
60h outstanding bus requests
61h number of cycles BNR pin driven
62h DRDY# asserted cycles
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
63h number of cycles with LOCK asserted
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
64h CPU receiving data cycles
65h burst-read transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
66h read for ownership transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
67h write-back transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
68h instruction-fetch transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
69h invalidate transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
6Ah partial-write transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
6Bh partial transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
6Ch I/O transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
6Dh deferred transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
6Eh burst transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
6Fh memory transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
70h total of all transactions
unit mask 20h to get total counts for ALL CPUs, 00h for this CPU only
71h-78h documented as unused
79h processor not-halted cycles
7Ah cycles in which HIT pin is driven
7Bh cycles in which HITM pin is driven
7Ch-7Dh documented as unused
7Eh bus-snoop stall cycles
7Fh documented as unused
80h instruction fetches
81h instruction fetch misses
82h-84h documented as unused
85h L1 instruction TLB misses
86h instruction-fetch stall cycles
87h instruction-length decoder stall cycles
88h-A1h documented as unused
A2h resource-related stall cycles
A3h-AFh documented as unused
B0h (P-II) MMX instructions executed
B1h (P-II) saturated arithmetic instructions executed
B2h (P-II) MMX uOPs executed on Port #0--3
B3h (P-II) MMX instructions
unit mask selects type(s): 01h packed multiply, 02h packed shift,
04h pack operations, 08h unpack operations, 10h packed logical,
20h packed arithmetic
B4h-BFh documented as unused
C0h retired instructions
C1h retired FLOPs
C2h retired uOPs
C3h documented as unused
C4h retired branch predictions
C5h retired mispredicted branches
C6h total cycles with interrupts disabled
C7h total cycles with interrupts disabled and interrupt(s) pending
C8h received hardware interrupts
C9h retired taken branches
CAh retired taken mispredicted branches
CBh documented as unused
CCh (P-II) transitions between FP and MMX states
unit mask: 00h = from MMX to FP, 01h = from FP to MMX
CDh (P-II) SIMD assists (EMMS instructions executed)
CEh (P-II) MMX instructions retired
CFh (P-II) saturated arithmetic instructions retired
D0h decoded instructions
D1h documented as unused
D2h partial stall cycles or events
D3h documented as unused
D4h (P-II) segment rename stalls
set unit mask to sum of: 01h for ES, 02h for DS, 04h for FS, 08h for GS
D5h (P-II) segment renames (unit mask as for D4h)
D6h (P-II) retired segment renames
D7h-DFh documented as unused
E0h decoded branch instructinos
E1h documented as unused
E2h BTB misses
E3h documented as unused
E4h bogus branches (predictions generated for non-branch instructions)
E5h documented as unused
E6h number of times BACLEAR asserted (number of static branch predictions)
E7h-FFh documented as unused
SeeAlso: #R0047
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 000000C2h,MSR 00000186h,#R0047,MSR 00000011h,MSR 00000013h,#R0047
MSR 000001D3h - Pentium Pro - ???
MSR 000001D9h - Pentium Pro, PentiumII - "DEBUGCTLMSR" DEBUGGING CONTROL
Size: 16 bits
Bitfields for Pentium Pro Debugging Control MSR:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0049)
63-16 reserved
15 enable execution trace messages
14 enable execution trace messages
13-7 reserved
6 enable execution trace messages
5 performance monitor/Breakpoint pins
4 performance monitor/Breakpoint pins
3 performance monitor/Breakpoint pins
2 performance monitor/Breakpoint pins
1 Branch Trap Flag
0 enable Last Branch records (see MSR 000001DBh,MSR 000001DCh)
MSR 000001DBh - Pentium Pro, PentiumII - "LASTBRANCHFROMIP"
Desc: stores the address from which a branch was last taken
SeeAlso: MSR 000001DCh,MSR 000001DDh
MSR 000001DCh - Pentium Pro, PentiumII - "LASTBRANCHTOIP"
Desc: stores the destination address of the last taken branch instruction
SeeAlso: MSR 000001DBh,MSR 000001DEh
MSR 000001DDh - Pentium Pro, PentiumII - "LASTINTFROMIP"
Desc: stores the address at which an interrupt last occurred
SeeAlso: MSR 000001DBh,MSR 000001DEh
MSR 000001DEh - Pentium Pro, PentiumII - "LASTINTTOIP"
Desc: stores the address to which the last interrupt caused a branch
SeeAlso: MSR 000001DCh,MSR 000001DDh
MSR 000001E0h - Pentium Pro - "ROB_CR_BKUPTMPDR6"
Size: >= 3 bits
Bitfields for Pentium Pro MSR 000001E0h:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0050)
63-3 ???
2 Fast String Enable (default is enabled)
1-0 reserved
Note: if bit 2 is set, REP MOVS moves 64 bits each clock cycle if both source
and target are QWORD-aligned
MSR 00000200h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysBase0"
SeeAlso: MSR 000000FEh,MSR 00000201h,MSR 00000202h
MSR 00000201h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysMask0"
SeeAlso: MSR 000000FEh,MSR 00000200h,MSR 00000202h
MSR 00000202h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysBase1"
SeeAlso: MSR 000000FEh,MSR 00000200h,MSR 00000203h
MSR 00000203h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysMask1"
SeeAlso: MSR 000000FEh,MSR 00000201h,MSR 00000202h
MSR 00000204h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysBase2"
MSR 00000205h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysMask2"
MSR 00000206h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysBase3"
MSR 00000207h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysMask3"
MSR 00000208h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysBase4"
MSR 00000209h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysMask4"
MSR 0000020Ah - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysBase5"
MSR 0000020Bh - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysMask5"
MSR 0000020Ch - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysBase6"
MSR 0000020Dh - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysMask6"
MSR 0000020Eh - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysBase7"
MSR 0000020Fh - Pentium Pro - "MTRRphysMask7"
MSR 00000250h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRfix64K_00000"
Desc: control the 64K region from 00000h to 0FFFFh
SeeAlso: MSR 000000FEh,MSR 00000200h,MSR 00000258h
MSR 00000258h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRfix16K_80000"
Desc: control the 16K region from 80000h to 83FFFh
SeeAlso: MSR 000000FEh,MSR 00000250h,MSR 00000259h
MSR 00000259h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRfix16K_A0000"
Desc: control the 16K region from A0000h to A3FFFh
MSR 00000268h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRfix4K_C0000"
Desc: control the 4K region from C0000h to C0FFFh
MSR 00000269h - Pentium Pro - "MTRRfix4K_C8000"
Desc: control the 4K region from C8000h to C8FFFh
MSR 0000026Ah - Pentium Pro - "MTRRfix4K_D0000"
Desc: control the 4K region from D0000h to D0FFFh
MSR 0000026Bh - Pentium Pro - "MTRRfix4K_D8000"
Desc: control the 64K region from D8000h to D8FFFh
MSR 0000026Ch - Pentium Pro - "MTRRfix4K_E0000"
Desc: control the 64K region from E0000h to E0FFFh
MSR 0000026Dh - Pentium Pro - "MTRRfix4K_E8000"
Desc: control the 64K region from E8000h to E8FFFh
MSR 0000026Eh - Pentium Pro - "MTRRfix4K_F0000"
Desc: control the 64K region from F0000h to F0FFFh
MSR 0000026Fh - Pentium Pro - "MTRRfix4K_F8000"
Desc: control the 64K region from F8000h to F8FFFh
MSR 00000277h - Pentium Pro - Page Attribute Table
MSR 00000280h - PentiumII - ???
MSR 000002FFh - Pentium Pro - "MTRRdefType" - DEFAULT MEMORY TYPE
Note: this MSR sets the memory type to use for any range not claimed by one
of the other MTRRs
SeeAlso: MSR 000000FEh,MSR 00000200h,MSR 00000250h
Bitfields for Pentium Pro MSR 000002FFh:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0051)
63-12 reserved
11 "MTRRenable" enable Memory Type Register registers
10 Fixed MTRR enable
9-3 reserved
2-0 default memory type
MSR 00000400h - Pentium Pro - "MC0_CTL" Machine Check Control 0
SeeAlso: MSR 00000401h,MSR 00000402h,MSR 00000404h,MSR 0000410h
MSR 00000401h - Pentium Pro - "MC0_STATUS" Machine Check Status 0
SeeAlso: MSR 00000400h,MSR 00000403h
Bitfields for Pentium Pro Machine Check Status:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0052)
56-32 reserved
MSR 00000402h - Pentium Pro - "MC0_ADDR" Machine Check Address 0
SeeAlso: MSR 00000400h,MSR 00000403h
MSR 00000403h - Pentium Pro - "MC0_MISC"
SeeAlso: MSR 00000401h,MSR 00000402h
MSR 00000404h - Pentium Pro - "MC1_CTL" Machine Check Control 1
SeeAlso: MSR 00000400h,MSR 00000408h
MSR 00000405h - Pentium Pro - "MC1_STATUS" Machine Check Status 1
MSR 00000406h - Pentium Pro - "MC1_ADDR" Machine Check Address 1
MSR 00000407h - Pentium Pro - "MC1_MISC"
MSR 00000408h - Pentium Pro - "MC2_CTL" Machine Check Control 2
SeeAlso: MSR 00000400h,MSR 00000404h,MSR 0000040Ch
MSR 00000409h - Pentium Pro - "MC2_STATUS" Machine Check Status 2
MSR 0000040Ah - Pentium Pro - "MC2_ADDR" Machine Check Address 2
MSR 0000040Bh - Pentium Pro - "MC2_MISC"
MSR 0000040Ch - Pentium II - "MC4_CTL" Machine Check Control 4
SeeAlso: MSR 000040Dh,MSR 00000400h,MSR 00000404h,MSR 00000408h
MSR 0000040Dh - Pentium II - "MC4_STATUS" Machine Check Status 4
SeeAlso: MSR 000040Ch,MSR 000040Eh
MSR 0000040Eh - Pentium II - "MC4_ADDR" Machine Check Address 4
SeeAlso: MSR 000040Ch,MSR 000040Dh
MSR 00000410h - Pentium Pro - "MC3_CTL" Machine Check Control 3
SeeAlso: MSR 00000400h,MSR 00000404h,MSR 0000040Ch
MSR 00000411h - Pentium Pro - "MC3_STATUS" Machine Check Status 3
MSR 00000412h - Pentium Pro - "MC3_ADDR" Machine Check Address 3
MSR 00000413h - Pentium Pro - "MC3_MISC"
Size: 19 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00001001h,MSR 00001002h
Bitfields for IBM 386/486 SLC Processor Operation Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0053)
63-19 reserved
18 (486SLC only) Low Power PLA
17 (486SLC only) Bus Read
16 (486SLC only) Cache Parity Generate Error
15 enable cacheability of NPX operands
14 enable PWI ADS
13 enable Low Power Halt Mode (HLT instruction stops CPU clock)
12 extended Out instruction (CPU waits for READY after any output)
11 cache reload bit
10 enable internal KEN# signal
9 disable cache lock mode
8 reserved
7 enable cache
6 enable DBCS
5 enable Power Interrupt
4 enable Flush Snooping
3 enable Snoop Input
2 address line A20 mask (see also #02753,#P0415)
1 enable cache parity checking
0 Cache Parity Error occurred
SeeAlso: #R0054,#R0055
MSR 00001000h - Pentium Pro - DEBUG REGISTER 0
SeeAlso: MSR 00001001h"Pro",MSR 00001007h"Pro"
Size: 48 bits
SeeAlso: MSR 00001000h,MSR 00001002h
Bitfields for IBM 386/486 SLC Cache Region Control Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0054)
63-48 reserved
47-32 extended memory cache memory limit (number of 64K blocks above 1M
which may be cached)
31-16 first megabyte read-only flags (each bit represents 64K)
15-0 first megabyte cacheable flags (each bit represents 64K)
SeeAlso: #R0053,#R0055
MSR 00001001h - Pentium Pro - DEBUG REGISTER 1
SeeAlso: MSR 00001000h"Pro",MSR 00001002h"Pro"
Size: 30 bits
SeeAlso: MSR 00001000h,MSR 00001001h,MSR 00001004h
Bitfields for IBM 386/486 SLC Processor Operation Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0055)
63-30 reserved
29 enable External Dynamic Frequency Shift
28 Dynamic Frequency Shift ready
27 Dynamic Frequency Shift Mode
26-24 clocking mode
000 clock x1
011 clock doubler
100 clock tripler
23-0 reserved
SeeAlso: #R0053,#R0054
MSR 00001002h - Pentium Pro - DEBUG REGISTER 2
SeeAlso: MSR 00001001h"Pro",MSR 00001003h"Pro"
MSR 00001003h - Pentium Pro - DEBUG REGISTER 3
SeeAlso: MSR 00001002h"Pro",MSR 00001004h"Pro"
Size: 24 bits
SeeAlso: MSR 00001000h
Bitfields for IBM 486BL3 Processor Control Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0056)
63-24 reserved
23 OS/2 boot (0=DD1 hardware, 1=DD0 hardware)
22 MOV CR0,x Decode
0: DD0, DD1A, DD1B, DD1D hardware
1: DD1C hardware
21 reserved
20 Cache Low Power (DD1 only: cache disabled when not in use)
19 reserved
18 NOP timing
0: 2 cycles on DD0, 3 cycles on DD1
1: 3 cycles on DD0, 2 cycles on DD1
17 bus pipelining for 16-bit accesses
16-5 reserved???
4 MOVS split
3 power-saving cache feature
2 reserved
1 enable MOV CRx decode
(reserved on DD1B, DD1C)
0 reserved
SeeAlso: MSR 00001000h
MSR 00001004h - Pentium Pro - DEBUG REGISTER 4
SeeAlso: MSR 00001003h"Pro",MSR 00001005h"Pro"
MSR 00001005h - Pentium Pro - DEBUG REGISTER 5
SeeAlso: MSR 00001004h"Pro",MSR 00001006h"Pro"
MSR 00001006h - Pentium Pro - DEBUG REGISTER 6
SeeAlso: MSR 00001005h"Pro",MSR 00001007h"Pro"
MSR 00001007h - Pentium Pro - DEBUG REGISTER 7
SeeAlso: MSR 00001006h"Pro",MSR 00001000h"Pro",MSR 00002000h"Pro"
MSR 00002000h - Pentium Pro - CONTROL REGISTER 0
SeeAlso: MSR 00001000h"Pro",MSR 00002002h"Pro"
MSR 00002002h - Pentium Pro - CONTROL REGISTER 2
SeeAlso: MSR 00002000h"Pro",MSR 00002003h"Pro"
MSR 00002003h - Pentium Pro - CONTROL REGISTER 3
SeeAlso: MSR 00002002h"Pro",MSR 00002004h"Pro"
MSR 00002004h - Pentium Pro - CONTROL REGISTER 4
SeeAlso: MSR 00002003h"Pro",MSR 00002000h"Pro"
Size: 64 bits
Access: Read
SeeAlso: MSR 00000000h,MSR 80000001h
Size: 6 bits
Access: Read
SeeAlso: MSR 00000001h,MSR 80000000h
Size: 14 bits
Access: Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000002h
MSR 80000003h - Pentium - unimplemented
SeeAlso: MSR 00000003h
MSR 80000004h - Pentium - (TR2) INSTRUCTION CACHE END BITS
Size: 4 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000004h
MSR 80000005h - Pentium - (TR3) CACHE DATA TEST REGISTER
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000005h
MSR 80000006h - Pentium - (TR4) CACHE TAG
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000006h
MSR 80000007h - Pentium - (TR5) CACHE CONTROL
Size: 15 bits
Access: Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000007h
MSR 80000008h - Pentium - (TR6) TLB COMMAND
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000008h
MSR 80000009h - Pentium - (TR7) TLB DATA
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000009h
MSR 8000000Ah O - Pentium A-step - (TR8) 36-BIT TLB DATA TEST REGISTER
Size: 4 bits
SeeAlso: MSR 0000000Ah,#R0009
MSR 8000000Bh - Pentium - (TR9) BRANCH TARGET BUFFER TAG
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 0000000Bh
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 0000000Ch
Size: 12 bits
Access: Write
SeeAlso: MSR 0000000Dh
MSR 8000000Eh - Pentium - (TR12) NEW FEATURE CONTROL
Size: 10 bits
Access: Write
SeeAlso: MSR 0000000Eh
MSR 8000000Fh - Pentium - ???
Size: 1 bit???
Access: Write
SeeAlso: MSR 0000000Fh
MSR 80000010h - Pentium - TIME STAMP COUNTER
Size: 64 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000010h
Size: 26 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000011h,MSR 80000012h,MSR 80000013h
MSR 80000012h - Pentium - EVENT COUNTER #0
Size: 40 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000012h,MSR 80000011h,MSR 80000013h
MSR 80000013h - Pentium - EVENT COUNTER #1
Size: 40 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 00000013h,MSR 80000011h,MSR 80000012h
MSR 80000014h - Pentium - ???
Access: Read
SeeAlso: MSR 00000014h
MSR 80000015h - Pentium - unimplemented???
MSR 80000016h - Pentium - unimplemented???
MSR 80000017h - Pentium - unimplemented???
MSR 80000018h - Pentium - ??? (PAGING-RELATED)
Size: 4 bits???
Access: Read
Size: 11 bits
Access: Read
Desc: this register stores the opcode of the last floating-point opcode to
be prefetched by the CPU
SeeAlso: MSR 8000001Ah,MSR 8000001Bh
Bitfields for Pentium Floating-Point Opcode:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0057)
63-11 reserved (0)
10-8 low three bits of first byte of floating-point instruction
7-0 second byte of floating-point instruction
Note: both a standalone FWAIT and the instruction D8h 9Bh are represented
as 09Bh
Size: 11 bits
Access: Read
SeeAlso: MSR 80000019h,MSR 8000001Bh,#R0057
Size: 11 bits
Access: Read/Write
SeeAlso: MSR 80000019h,MSR 8000001Ah,#R0057
MSR 8000001Ch - Pentium - ???
Size: 4 bits???
Access: Read
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
Bitfields for Probe Mode Control Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0058)
31 (read-only) System Management Mode is active
30-3 reserved (0)
2 PB1 monitors breakpoint #1 matches instead of performance counter #1
1 PB0 monitors breakpoint #0 matches instead of performance counter #0
0 ICEBP enabled (every debug exception enters Probe Mode)
MSR 8000001Eh - Pentium - ???
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
Note: this may be nothing more than a scratchpad register
SeeAlso: MSR 8000001Fh
MSR 8000001Fh - Pentium - ???
Size: 32 bits
Access: Read/Write
Note: this may be nothing more than a scratchpad register
SeeAlso: MSR 8000001Eh
Size: 1 bit
SeeAlso: MSR C0000081h,MSR C0000082h
Bitfields for AMD K6 Extended Feature Enable Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0059)
63-1 reserved
0 system call extension (SYSCALL/SYSRET) enabled
when disabled, both instructions generate an Undefined Opcode
Note: CPUID 80000001h should be checked to determine whether the SYSCALL
extension is implemented by the processor
SeeAlso: #R0060
Size: 48 bits
Note: if SYSCALL is supported (as indicated by CPUID; SYSCALL is not
yet implemented in current steppings of the K6), this MSR specifies
the address to which the SYSCALL instruction (opcode 0Fh 05h -- same
as 80286 LOADALL!) transfers control, provided it has also been
enabled via MSR C0000080h
SeeAlso: MSR C0000080h,MSR C0000082h
Bitfields for AMD K6 SYSCALL Target Address Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0060)
63-48 reserved
47-32 CS and SS selector base for SYSCALL/SYSRET
31-0 target EIP address for SYSCALL
SeeAlso: #R0059
Size: 9 bits
SeeAlso: MSR C0000080h,MSR C0000081h
Bitfields for AMD K6 Write-Handling Control Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table R0061)
63-9 reserved
8 write cacheability detection enabled
7-1 write allocate enable limit (in 4M units)
memory above this limit will not be accessed without a write-allocate
0 write allocate enabled for 15-16M region
Note: the Intel Triton chipset does not support write cacheability detection,
so bit 8 should be kept clear
Christian Ludloff's 80x86.CPU
Alex V. Potemkin's Opcodes List (OPCODES.LST)
Intel Pentium Pro Family User's Guide, Volume 3, Appendix C
Highest Table Number = R0061
Please redistribute all of the files comprising the interrupt list (listed at
the beginning of the list and in INTERRUP.1ST) unmodified as a group, in a
quartet of archives named INTER60A through INTER60D (preferably the original
authenticated PKZIP archives), and the utility and hypertext conversion
programs in three additional archives called INTER60E.ZIP to INTER60G.ZIP.
Copyright (c) 1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999 Ralf Brown
Internet: ralf@pobox.com (currently forwards to ralf@telerama.lm.com)
FIDO: Ralf Brown 1:129/26.1